One Marina Park, 14th floor, MassChallenge Headquarters, and Silverside’s new home.
Yesterday, 128 finalists were chosen from the roughly 1200 that applied for the MassChallenge 2013 Accelerator program. A company we started called Silverside Detectors Inc. was accepted into the program.
Silverside is trying to solve a hard problem: how do we make our cities much safer from the threat of nuclear terrorism over the next 25 years? Our governments use their resources as best as possible to stop nuclear material from moving improperly through black markets, or from being brought into a city in a weaponizable form.
One of the biggest challenges is that detection technology is far too expensive to be placed everywhere that it’s needed.
Silverside provides a solution by making a new type of detector that does what others do, but is 10 times less expensive. With these detectors, a much stronger Global Nuclear Detection Architecture at our borders, ports of entry, highways, and airports is finally possible.
I want Silverside to be the 128th finalist in MassChallenge this year by helping keep our vibrant and beautiful cities’ people safe, growing, learning, and getting better all the time.
I’ve never met a more wonderful, kind, passionate, and alive group of creators, thinkers, and doers than in the start-up community in Boston. To me, MassChallenge is the epicenter of this passion. Along with this year’s other finalists, Silverside is proud, humbled, and ready to get to work to change the world for the better.

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